Clarke Technical Studies for Trumpet, Fourth Study, Exercise 86 – Etude 4 play-along video with music notation.
Fourth Study
These exercises were written to overcome the difficulty of producing the whole tone trill on the cornet.
With slow and careful practice, the mechanical imperfections found in some instruments can be surmounted. The most troublesome intervals are B-natural to C-sharp (Ex. 71) and C to D (Ex. 72).
The fingers and lips should remain flexible throughout this study. When you have mastered these exercises as written, single and then double tongue them.
Practice Etude 4 until you can play it in one breath.
Fourth Study Exercise Eighty Five
Clarke Technical Studies for Trumpet, Fourth Study, Exercise 85 play-along video with music notation.
Fourth Study Exercise Eighty Four
Clarke Technical Studies for Trumpet, Fourth Study, Exercise 84 play-along video with music notation.
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Clarke Technical Studies for Trumpet, Fourth Study, Exercise 83 play-along video with music notation.
Fourth Study Exercise Eighty Two
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